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Incidentally this is the only complete list of lunar charms with page numbers I have been able to find online. if someone wants to alphabetize it, feel free.
Category [null] :
Category 0, (All):
Category 1 (Kicking Peoples' Asses)
Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown enhancing charms:
Wind Wings Carry Technique: req any strength excellency p 142
Agitation of the Swarm Techique: req any strength excellency p 142
Ferocious Biting Tooth: req Any Strength Excellency p 142
Lightning Stroke Attack: req Agitation of the swarm Technique, Ferocious Biting Tooth p 142 and p 154
Foe Marking Style (largely Pointless): req Any Strength Excellency (while this does not assist in any ass kickery it enhances archery, thrown, melee etc and has no other use) p 142
Prey Hobbling Bite: Req Any Strength Excellency p 143
Inviting the Winter Wolf: req Prey Hobbling Bite p 143
Impressions of Strength: req Any Strength Excellency *quite good p 144
Shell Crushing Atemi: req Impressions of Strength p 145
Unstoppable Lunar Wound: req Impressions of Strength p 145
Burrowing Devil Strike: req Impressions of Strength p 145
Consumptive Worm Hungers: req Burrowing Devil Strike p 145
Tearing Claw Atemi: req Any Strength Excellency (N.b. Also enhances Athletics) p 145
Subduing the Honored Foe: no req p 147
Hibernation of the Dog: no req p 148
Secure Cat Stepping: Any Dex Excellency p 150
Finding the Needle's Path: Any Dex Excellency p 150
Twin Fang Technique: Wasp Sting Blur p 154 and 193
Octopus and Spider Barrage: req Lightning Stroke Attack (very powerful, but badly written) p 154
Spreading The Wild Roots: req Octopus and Spider Barrage p 154
Might Bolstering Blow: req Any Stamina Excellency p 158
Breath Drinking Executioner attack: req Might Bolstering Blow p 158
Relentless Lunar Fury: No Req, mandatory, but if you didn't know that you wouldn't be online looking for assistance to maximize your exalted. p 158
Durable Battle Mind: req Relentless Lunar Fury p 159
Riding the Secret Wind: req Wolf's Eye Advantage p 183
Eagle Eye Advantage: Any Perception Excellency p 183
Category 1.1 (Kicking Peoples' Asses with kicking):
Also All of Lunar Hero Style and its expansions but that should be pretty straightforward. The expansion charms for those who care are on p 151 the style it self is on p 194.
Category X (Just plain odd charms):
Category [null] :
These are charms that you are taking as a requisite for other charms but by and large they have no function or a purely flavor text function.
Butterfly Eyes Tread: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 173
Butterfly Eyes Tread: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 173
Butterfly Eyes Defense: req Any Manipulation Excellency (the good charms that these are requisite for is Butterfly Eyes Fist) p 173
Category 0, (All):
The following Charms could in theory apply to any ability under a variety of circumstances
Dilligent Hive Imitation: req Any Dex Excellency 154
Wasp Sting Blur: Any Dex Excellency p 154
Wolf Eye Advantage: req any Perception excellency p 183
Many Armed Monkey Style: req Wasp Sting Blur p 193
Blinking Eye of Chaos: req Many Armed Monkey Style p 193
Dilligent Hive Imitation: req Any Dex Excellency 154
Wasp Sting Blur: Any Dex Excellency p 154
Wolf Eye Advantage: req any Perception excellency p 183
Many Armed Monkey Style: req Wasp Sting Blur p 193
Blinking Eye of Chaos: req Many Armed Monkey Style p 193
Inevitable Genius Insight: Req Any Two Intelligence Excellencies (Buy This Charm) p 188
Category 0.1 (all social):
Affects all social rolls pretty Much
Irresistible Silver Spirit: No Req (You Should Probably Get This Charm) p 177
Wolf Ear Advantage: req Any Perception Excellency p 183
Sliver Swift Retort: req Meerkat Alertness Practice p 193
Serpent's Tooth Reply: req Silver Swift Retort p 193
Rapid Speech Technique: req Any Charisma Excellency p 166
Charismatic Lunar Trick: req Instinct Memory Insertion p 167
Chattering Magpie Inflection: Req Any Manipulation Excellency p 174
Perfect Symmetry: req Any Appearance Excellency p 176
Category 1 (Kicking Peoples' Asses)
Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown enhancing charms:
Wind Wings Carry Technique: req any strength excellency p 142
Agitation of the Swarm Techique: req any strength excellency p 142
Ferocious Biting Tooth: req Any Strength Excellency p 142
Lightning Stroke Attack: req Agitation of the swarm Technique, Ferocious Biting Tooth p 142 and p 154
Foe Marking Style (largely Pointless): req Any Strength Excellency (while this does not assist in any ass kickery it enhances archery, thrown, melee etc and has no other use) p 142
Prey Hobbling Bite: Req Any Strength Excellency p 143
Inviting the Winter Wolf: req Prey Hobbling Bite p 143
Impressions of Strength: req Any Strength Excellency *quite good p 144
Shell Crushing Atemi: req Impressions of Strength p 145
Unstoppable Lunar Wound: req Impressions of Strength p 145
Burrowing Devil Strike: req Impressions of Strength p 145
Consumptive Worm Hungers: req Burrowing Devil Strike p 145
Tearing Claw Atemi: req Any Strength Excellency (N.b. Also enhances Athletics) p 145
Subduing the Honored Foe: no req p 147
Hibernation of the Dog: no req p 148
Secure Cat Stepping: Any Dex Excellency p 150
Finding the Needle's Path: Any Dex Excellency p 150
Twin Fang Technique: Wasp Sting Blur p 154 and 193
Octopus and Spider Barrage: req Lightning Stroke Attack (very powerful, but badly written) p 154
Spreading The Wild Roots: req Octopus and Spider Barrage p 154
Might Bolstering Blow: req Any Stamina Excellency p 158
Breath Drinking Executioner attack: req Might Bolstering Blow p 158
Relentless Lunar Fury: No Req, mandatory, but if you didn't know that you wouldn't be online looking for assistance to maximize your exalted. p 158
Durable Battle Mind: req Relentless Lunar Fury p 159
Riding the Secret Wind: req Wolf's Eye Advantage p 183
Eagle Eye Advantage: Any Perception Excellency p 183
Furious Unhappy Recourse: req Meerkat Alertness Practice p 193
Hungry Eagle Method: req Furious Unhappy Recourse p 193
Category 1.0.1 Violent Tool Use:
These charms are still used for ass kicking but only through
Thrown, Melee and Archery Not Martial arts
Molted Feather Weight Technique: req Tearing Claw Atemi p 145
Weapon Shaping Method: req Clay Wetting Practice p 150
Lunar Blade Reconfiguration: req Clay Wetting Practice p 151
Category 1.1 (Kicking Peoples' Asses with kicking):
Claws of the Silver Moon: no req p 144
Form Destroying Touch: req Shell Crushing Atemi and Unstoppable Lunar Wound p 145
Roused Bear Throw: req Any Strength Excellency p 147
Throat Baring Hold: req Any Strength Excellency p 147
Wasp Binding Method: req Throat Baring Hold p 147
Jaws of the River Dragon: req Throat Baring Hold p 147
Flesh Tearing Entanglement: req Jaws of the River Dragon p 147
Cunning Porcupine Defense: req Wasp Binding Method, Jaws of the River Dragon p 147
Also All of Lunar Hero Style and its expansions but that should be pretty straightforward. The expansion charms for those who care are on p 151 the style it self is on p 194.
Category 1.1.2 Gotta Be Difficult:
Some mother****ers always gotta ski uphill,
This is useful for Thrown, Athletics and Martial Arts
Cobra Eye Method: req Scorpion and Toad Mastery p 162
Category 2 Trauma Avoidance:
Melee(Parry), Martial Arts (parry), and Dodge Charms, fun with DV.
Golden Tiger Stance: req Any Dex Excellency p 151
Wary Swallow Method: req Golden Tiger Stance p 151
Wind Dancing Method: req Golden Tiger Stance p 151
Outworld Forsaking Stance: No Req (Note this also helps your Parry MDV) p 165
Category 2.0.1 Trauma Escaping:
Dodge charms only.
Flowing Body Evasion: req Wary Swallow method and Wind Dancing Method p 151
Ground Denying Defense: req Any Dex Excellency p 152
Category 3 Trauma Resisting
Resistance, self healing etc charms
Ox Body: no req p 156
Steadfast Yeddim Meditation: req Any Stamina Excellency p 156
Unstoppable Juggernaut Incarnation: req Steadfast Yeddim Meditation p 156
Luna's Fortitude: req Steadfast Yeddim Meditation p 157
Bruise Relief Method: req Any Stamina Excellency p 159
Halting the Scarlet Flow: req Bruise Relief Method p 160
Hide Toughening Essence: No req p 160
Frenzied Bear Fortification: Hide Toughening Essence p 160
Wound Mastering Body Evolution: req Frenzied Bear Fortification * quite nice p 160
Armor Forming Technique: No Req p 160
Stone Rhino Skin: req Armor Forming Technique p 160
Invulnerable Moonsilver Carapace: req Stone Rhino Skin p 160
Scorpion and Toad Absolution: req Any Stamina Excellency p 161
Scorpion Toad Immunity: req Scorpion and Toad Assumption p 161
Category 4 Athletics:
What is says on the tin.
Lightning Flash Might Methodology: req Tearing Claw Atemi p 146
Graceful Crane Stance: no Req p 149
Lightfooted Mountain Goat Stance: req Graceful Crane Stance p 149
Cat Falling Attitude: req Graceful Crane Stance p 149
Instinct Driven Beast Movement: req Any Dex Excellency p 152
Furious Hound Pursuit: req Instinct Driven Beast Movement p 152
Flight of the Sparrow: req Instinct Driven Beast Movement p 152
Pack and Flock Guidance: req Furious hound Pursuit and Flight of the Sparrow p 153
Yeddim's Back Method: req Tearing Claw Atemi p 146
Category 5 Survival:
Survival Charms
Fertile Breath Inversion: req Any Stamina excellency p 155
Moonsilver Stomach Conversion: req Any Stamina Excellency p 156
Bear Sleep Technique: Steadfast Yeddim Meditation p 156
Directional Mastery Technique: no req p 157
External Hide Perfection: req Any Directional Mastery Technique p 158
Dog Tongue Method: req Any Charisma Excellency p 163
Pack Instinct Affirmation: req Dog Tongue Method p 163
Nature Reinforcing Allocation: req Dog Tongue Method p 163
Blood On The Wind: req Any Perception Excellency OR Lodestone Reckoning Manner p 181 and 194
Secure Den Prana: req Many Pockets Meditation p 191
Invisible Warren Creation: req Secure den Prana p 191
Lodestone Reckoning Manner: no Req p 194
Predator and Prey Recognition: no req p 194
Category 6 Medicine:
Medicine Charms
Scorpion and Toad Assumption: req Scorpion and Toad Absolution p 161
Scorpion and Toad Mastery: req Scorpion and Toad Assumption p 161
Adder Fang Method: req Scorpion and Toad Mastery p 162
Category 7 Craft:
These are the charms that make the artifacts happen.
Clay Wetting Practice: req any dex excellency p 149
Flaw Finding Examination: req Any Perception Excellency p 178
Monkey Shaping Emulation: req Any Perception Excellency p 178
Luna's Blessed Hands: req Instinctive Intelligence Unity and Lunar Blade Reconfiguration p 186
Form Fixing Method: req Any Intelligence Excellency p 186
Category 8 Occult Charms:
Category 8 Occult Charms:
Occult Charms
Mist Walking Prana: req Pack and Flock Guidance p 153
Devil Restraining Grip: req Eye of the Cat p 179
God Cutting Essence: req Eye of the Cat p 179
Spirit Maiming Essence Attack: req Devil Restraining Grip and God Cutting Essence p 179
Instinctive Essence Prediction: req Any Perception Excellency p 179
All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight: Eye of the Cat and Instinctive Essence Prediction p 179
Fellow Hound Insight: req Eye of the cat and Leaf Falling Scrutiny
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery: No req p 190
Celestial Circle Sorcery: req Terrestrial Circle Sorcery p 190
Withdrawal of Assumptions: req Still Pond Inflection and Burgeoning Wyld Infliction p 190
Category 9 Mob Mentality:
War and Socialize Charms
Face of the Moon Concealment: req Any Charisma Excellency p 168
Maintaining the Pack: req Any Charisma Excellency p 168
Moonlight Curtain Drawn: req Any Charisma Excellency p 169
School Becomes Shark Formation: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 175
School in the Reeds Technique: req School Becomes Sharks Method p 175
Rats In the Basement Style: req The Spider's Trap Door p 192
Meerkat Alertness Practice: req Any Wits Excellency (also useful for Awareness) p 193
Category 9.1 What is it Good For?:
War Charms
Pack and Flock Guidance: Furious Hound Pursuit and Flight of the Sparrow p 153
Wolf Pack Training Technique: req Nature Reinforcing Allocation, Sharing the Gifts of Luna p 164
Lesson of the Winter Wolf: req Wolf Pack Training Technique p 164
Diving Hawk Inspiration: req Any Perception Excellency 182
Bird Falls From Flock Targeting: Diving Hawk Inspiration p 182
Category 9.2 Why Can't We Be Friends?
Socialize Charms
Herd Reinforcement Stance: req Any Charisma Excellency p 169
Forsaking the Blood Posture: req Herd Reinforcing Stance p 169
Culling the Pride: req Any Charisma Excellency p 170
Topiary Culture Meditation: req Calling the Pride p 170
Herd Strengthening Invocation: req Calling the Pride p 170
Mask of White Jade: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 172
Cat Face Presentation: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 172
Mystic Butterly Fraud: req Butterfly Eyes Fist p 174
Falling Leaf Distraction: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 174
Creating the Wolf Attitude: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 175
Feeding the Bear Progression: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 176
Category 10 Making Friends and Influencing People:
Presence Performance and Socialize charms
Unnoticed Confusion Attack: req Cobra Hypnotic Method (Double Check this it may be all social) p 166
Category 10.1 Singing and Dancing
Presence and Performance Charms
Foe Turning Rebuke: req Outworld Forsaking Stance p 165
Scathing Lunar Combination: req Foe Turning Rebuke p 165
Cobra Hypnotic Method: req Any Charisma Excellency p 165
Forgetful Victim Prana: req Cobra Hypnotic method p 166
Instinct Memory Insertion: req Any Charisma Excellency p 166
Perfect Fear Scent: req Any Charisma Excellency p 167
Terrifying Lust Infliction: req Any Charisma Excellency p 168
Mirror Sight Dismay: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 171
Lost Mirror Flight: req False Burrows Pursuit and Mirror Sight Dismay p 172
Observed Predator Instinct: req Any Appearance Excellency p 177
Hard Nosed Denial Style: req Any Charisma Excellency
(also works with investigate, perfect social parry p 168)
Category 10.1.1 see category 9.2
Category 10.1.2 Performance Charms
Performance charms
Secret Speech method: req Rapid Speech Technique p 166
New Friend Aroma: No Req p 177
Category 10.1.3 Presence Charms
Presence, don't you see Kyle, Presence
Subtle Silver Command: req Forgetful Victim Prana and Unnoticed Confusion Attack p 166
Mind Blanking Fear Technique: req Instinct Memory Insertion, Perfect Fear Scent p 167
False Burrows Pursuit: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 171
Butterfly Eyes Fist: req Butterfly Eyes Defense and Butterfly Eyes tread p 173
Category 11 Lore Charms:
Lore charms OR charms in which their solar equivalent was a Lore Charm.
Silver Lunar Resolution: req Any Stamina Excellency p 158
Sharing the Gifts of Luna: req Any Charisma Excellency p 164
Resisting the Lure of Madness: req Wyld Sensing Instincts p 185
Wyld Migration Formation: req Resisting the Lure of Madness p 186
Harmony with Reality Technique: req Form Fixing Method p 187
Ritual of Lunar Stability: Harmony With Reality Technique p 188
Counting the Elephants Wrinkles: No Req p 188
Still Pond Infliction: req Any Intelligence Excellency p 190
Burgeoning Wyld Infliction: req Any Intelligence Excellency p 190
Category 12 Investigation:
Investigation Charms
Hard Nosed Denial Style: req Any Charisma Excellency p168
Inevitable Spoor Discovery: req Any Perception Excellency p 181
Blood Kin Sense: req Any Perception Excellency p 183
Motive Dissecting Eye: req Blood Kin Sense p 184
Leaf Falling Scrutiny: req Blood Kin Sense p 184
Fellow Hound Insight: req Eye of the Cat and Leaf Falling Scrutiny p 184
Category 13 Integrity:
Integrity Charms
Labyrinth of the Beast: req Cat Face Presentation p 172
Commanded to Fly : req Mask of White Jade and Labyrinth of the Beast p 172
Righteous Lion Defense: No Req p 188
Intimacy of the Hunter and the Prey: req Righteous Lion Defense p 188
True to the Pack Dedication: req Righteous Lion Defense p 188
Category 14 Linguistics Charms:
All Both of em
Third Veil Suggestion: req Falling Leaf Distraction p 174
Glance Oration Technique: req Any Appearance Excellency p 177
Category 15 And Taking their Stuff:
Larceny Charms
Perfection of the Mockingbird: req Any Manipulation Excellency p 174
Hide of the Cunning Hunter: No Req p 176
Lessons in the Blood: req Any Intelligence Excellency p 189
Thieving Magpie Prana: req The Spider's Trap Door p 191
Many Pockets Meditation: req Thieving Magpie Prana p 191
Category 16 Stealth:
Stealth Charms
One of the Herd: req Any Appearance Excellency p 176
Clover Can't Be Found: req One of the Herd p 177
The Spider's Trap Door: req Any Wits Excellency p 190
Category 17 Awareness:
Awareness Charms
Eye of the Cat: req Any Perception Excellency p 179
Sense Borrowing Method: req Any Perception Excellency p 180
Watchful Spider Stance: req Sense Borrowing Method p 181
Grandfather Spider Majesty: req Watchful Spider Stance p 181
Wolf Eye Advantage: req Any Perception Excellency p 183
Keen Sense Technique: req Any Perception Excellency p 184
Heightened Sense Method: Req Keen Sense Technique p 183
Wyld Sensing Instincts: req Any Perception Excellency p 185
Meerkat Alertness Practice: Req Any Wits Excellency p 193
Category X (Just plain odd charms):
these charms aren't in category null for they clearly do things sometimes moderately important things but nothing that fits really into a standard charm list, even one as eccentric as the lunars. Many of these charms are quite useful just odd.
Predator is Prey Mirror: req Sense Borrowing Method p 180
Eagle Fish Transition Prophecy: req Any Perception Excellency and Any Intelligence Excellency p 186
Boundary Marking Meditation: req Any Charisma Excellency p 170
Ranging Wolf Marking: req Boundary Marking Meditation p 170
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