Image via WikipediaWell this is my own collection of political musings, stale jokes, crackpot theories, writing,
necromancy and music. Also
game theory. I started this blog because it was mandatory for a Convergence Journalism project. Kept it because it was useful for
game development. Resurrected it to contact family and Its still here because the web forgets nothing. So now its here for an I.T. Class. Hello IT Class! you get to read my stories about rpgs and strippers, yay! or you can just keep it to che clean class topics. please watch the camptown ticker on your top right to get news of the day stuck in your head to a catchy tune. The Diagram above is of the
Prisoner's Dilemma. This has nothing to do with how I may feel about a three hour lecture, nothing at all, really. I know I'm supposed to be careful what I write but I've already written this and had it posted, commented on, re-blogged, viewed, reviewed and sometimes even gotten a penny or two of ad revenue so I'm not sure what sort of tone I'm supposed to project. I think that's the biggest 'challenge' besides remembering the password to this old thing. given the various samples I was told that one was called the SUAPP underground while others are comment-less government mouthpieces. I insist there is a difference in tone between
Hunter S. Thompson and a BBC newsreader. The trouble is I have no idea where in that continuum to stake my claim.
You know The Professor, I'm pretty sure his name is McNutt keeps up the whole self deprecating 'tough room shtick but he's not as bad as you might think. He has a definitely ironic monotone garrison keilor thing going on.